Advantages of Peer Programming
Having been into programming and having a computer science background. I kept on finding it difficult to write codes and to continue learning on my own, that is, going solo. I keep on drawing out plans to follow but along the way I fizzle.
I have come across some self-taught programmers who keep on telling me that coding solo is very difficult because you will have a lot of distractions, low motivation.
This is where peer programming comes in. Peer Programming is an agile software development technique in which two programmers work together at one workstation. Where one the driver writes code, the other, the navigator, reviews the code that is typed in by the driver.
Here are the few Advantages:
- Improve code quality and some coding process: Code quality standards are meant to be followed consistently when peer coding, where the driver writes the code and the navigator thinks on the functions and styles to use to improve the quality of the code and assists the driver with it.
- Improve Learning Experience: This is the best and the fastest way to learn because it allows programmers to get instant face-to-face instructions which is much better than sourcing for material/tutorials online. It is of most help to junior developers who need to improve to learn more rapidly from senior developers.
- Improve your Career Skills: Peer Programming doesn’t just affect how you learn the material it also affects how you grow in your skillset. The ability to work with and learn from others and stellar communication skills are as important to a company as specific technical skills.
Peer Programming comes with its challenges, but the answer is communication.
These are major reasons I decided to join Microverse an online, full-time, full-stack software development school where students learn through remote peer programming.
Down the road is not easy but I can beat my chest and tell you it worth it.